We could all use a little extra money. Whether it is to cover the bills this month, start an emergency fund, get out of debt, or go on a vacation. Whatever your reason might be, below are a few ideas to help get you started. This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my affiliate disclaimer here. Save this 18 Ways to Make Extra Money to your Pinterest Board! More From The Peculiar Green Rose Free Cute 2020 Printable Calendar (+ Free Planner Printables) 4 Easy DIY Valentine’s Day Printable Banners (Free!) 177 Free Printable Snowflake Templates & Coloring Pages 8 Free Halloween Printables 9 Free…
How To Start A Blog
If you are reading this post then you are probably wondering how to start a blog. Bluehost is a great company to choose to have you’re hosting through. They offer great customer service 24/7 and it only cost just a few dollars a month. They are who I personally have my hosting with. Whether you would like to start a blog as a hobby or to make money Bluehost is the way to go. Just follow the 10 easy steps below and you will have your blog set up in just minutes. This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my affiliate disclaimer here. Step#1…
11 Cheap and Easy Dinner Ideas in 15 Minutes
You know you need to fix dinner quick but don’t want to go through the drive through, and you REALLY need to stick to your budget! Sometimes we just need a few cheap and easy dinner ideas to help you get a meal on the table quick. Dinner ideas that help us to not feel like we are eating the same things all the time. And quick dinner ideas that stop us from going over budget because we don’t have time to cook. This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my affiliate disclaimer here. Below are a few quick dinner IDEAS when you are…
8 Genius Ways You Can Save Time and Money Every Week
Have you ever heard the phrase time is money? Here are 8 ways you can save time and money every week. I bet you spend 2 hours a week or more doing your shopping for groceries and home essentials. If you calculate the time it takes you to drive to the store each week plus the time it takes to navigate crowds, traffic, and checkout lines it easily adds up to over two hours a week. By implementing a couple of time management skills and money saving tips you can cut this time down to 1/4 of what it normally takes you to complete and easily stay on budget. This…